TCPMUX | 1 | TCP Port Service Multiplexer |
TCP Port Service Multiplexer | 1 | TCP Port Service Multiplexer |
Echo | 7 | Echo |
Discard | 9 | Discard |
systat | 11 | Active Users |
daytime | 13 | Daytime |
qotd | 17 | Quote of the Day |
chargen | 19 | Character Generator |
FTP Data | 20 | File Transfer [Default Data] |
FTP | 21 | File Transfer [Control] |
SSH | 22 | Secure Shell (SSH) |
Telnet | 23 | Telnet |
SMTP | 25 | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) |
time | 37 | Time |
rlp | 39 | Resource Location Protocol |
NIC Host Name | 42 | Host Name Server |
WHOIS | 43 | WHOIS |
MTP | 57 | Mail Transfer Protocol |
TACACS-DS | 65 | TACACS-Database Service |
DNS | 53 | Domain Name System (DNS) |
Bootps | 67 | Bootstrap Protocol Server |
DHCP | 67 | DHCP-Server läuft auf diesem Port und wartet auf Anfragen von Clients. |
Bootpc | 68 | Bootstrap Protocol Client |
DHCP | 68 | DHCP-Clients senden ihre Anfragen normalerweise an diesen Port. |
TFTP | 69 | Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) |
gopher | 70 | Gopher |
rje | 77 | Remote Job Entry |
Finger | 79 | Finger |
http | 80 | Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) |
Kerberos | 88 | Kerberos |
pop3 | 110 | Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) |
NTP | 123 | Network Time Protocol (NTP) |
NetBIOS | 137 | NetBIOS Name Service |
NetBIOS | 138 | NetBIOS Datagram Service |
NetBIOS | 139 | NetBIOS Session Service |
IMAP4 | 143 | Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) |
SNMP | 161 | Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) |
SNMP Trap | 162 | SNMP Trap (SNMPTRAP) |
bgp | 179 | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) |
ldap | 389 | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) |
https | 443 | HTTP Secure (HTTPS) |
Microsoft-DS | 445 | Microsoft-DS |
exec | 512 | Remote Process Execution |
login | 513 | Remote Login |
shell | 514 | Remote Shell |
printer | 515 | Printer |
talk | 517 | Talk |
ntalk | 518 | Unix Time Stamp |
utime | 519 | Unix Time Stamp |
efs | 520 | Extended File Name Server |
timed | 525 | Timed |
tempo | 526 | Newdate |
courier | 530 | Courier |
conference | 531 | Conference |
netnews | 532 | Netnews |
uucp | 540 | UUCP |
klogin | 543 | Kerberos Login |
kshell | 544 | Kerberos Shell |
kerberos-adm | 749 | Kerberos administration |
nntp | 119 | Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) |
irc | 194 | Internet Relay Chat (IRC) |
POP3S | 995 | Post Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL (POP3S) |
IMAPS | 993 | Internet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (IMAPS) |
LDAPS | 636 | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (LDAPS) |
telnets | 992 | Telnet over TLS/SSL |
submission | 587 | Message Submission |
syslog | 514 | Remote Syslog |
uucp-path | 117 | UUCP Path Service |
tcpwrapped | 7 | TCP Wrapped Services |